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Luxembourg "center of europe" 
New 3rd Country Resident Visa
for "Quality Investors"+ EUR 500.000

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 The Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies adopted on 08/02/2017 a law that seeks to attract new 'Quality Investors' from third countries.


According to the new law, the Minister will grant the residence permit in Luxembourg to "investors" from any third-country national:

  • Who will invest at least 500,000 euros in an existing company, having its registered office in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, while committing to maintain the investment for at least five years, or

  • Who will invest at least 500,000 euros in a company to be created, having its registered Head Office in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, and having a commercial or artisanal activity with the commitment to create at least five jobs to be filled in collaboration with ADEM (Unemployment Agency) within three years of the creation of the company, or

  • Who will invest at least 3 million euros in an existing or to be created investment & management structure with its registered Head Office in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and maintaining locally an appropriate structure, or

  • Who will invest at least EUR 20 million in the form of a deposit in a Luxemburgish financial institution with the commitment to maintain this investment for a minimum period of five years.

Real estate investments are excluded from the eligibility criteria.


The idea is to attract fortunate people from Middle East, Russia, South America or China.


To be eligible, you will need to spend at least half the year in Luxembourg.

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Luxembourg City still attractive for investors

Early in 2019, fDi Intelligence, a division of the Financial Times, published the latest edition of its study measuring the attractiveness of cities and regions for foreign investors. Luxembourg City is well positioned, ranking 3rd globally in the category of mid-sized and small cities. The attractiveness of the cities and regions is calculated on the basis of various indicators, gathered into five categories, in which Luxembourg City ranks as follows:

  • economic potential: 1st place;

  • human resources and quality of life: 7th place;

  • cost effectiveness: 9th place;

  • connectivity: 6th place;

  • business friedliness: 7th place.


A city that is attractive to talented people

Luxembourg City is synonymous with quality of life. Several studies confirm this every year, including the well-known Expat Insider and Mercer Quality of Livingindexes. In the Grand Duchy, salaries are high, the social security scheme is generous, and the cost of living is reasonable.

So it's no surprise to see that Luxembourg City is one of the most attractive places for talented people. The resident population is one of the best suited and trainedin the use of digital tools, and the prestigious IMD World Talent Ranking regularly places the Grand Duchy in the Top 10 for economic talent.

An innovative, competitive economy


The Grand Duchy is much more than an international financial centre and a European hub for investment funds. In recent years the Grand Duchy has made an effort to diversify its economy and create an environment that promotes startups and innovation, whether they involve fintech, biomedicine, the aerospace industry, cleantech, or the digital economy.

An extremely connected country


The Luxembourg Government has invested massively in its ICT infrastructures. And the Grand Duchy is already getting ready to welcome the next generation of connectivity: the infrastructures, legal framework and technologies are all being prepared ready for 5G technology.

And the quality of the Grand Duchy's technological infrastructures is regularly confirmed by international benchmarks such as the European Commission's Digital Transformation Scoreboard and the World Economic Forum's Global Information Technology Report. So it comes as no surprise that the Grand Duchy has been chosen to host the European headquarters of the future EuroHPC (High Performance Computing) network.


In some jurisdictions, it is possible to achieve tax and other benefits simultaneously, including asset protection, privacy and more. 

When you plan to have a multinational business, it is important that you understand that each different jurisdiction has its own set of complex rules and regulations. If you do not structure or set up your business correctly, it may satisfy the rules of one jurisdiction while violating the laws of another.

When we work with our clients to set up or to restructure their businesses, we always make certain to listen before we give advice. This is important because we must make certain that the advice that we offer is appropriate for you, your situation and your business. There is not a one-size-fits-all structure or strategy for businesses, so we recommend tailored solutions that address your business and personal needs. Citinavi global values your privacy and confidentiality, guarding it at all times to ensure that no information about your business strategy and plans ever leak out to the public.

Citinavi global is at the forefront of the business development, planning and structuring sector, and we can help you in many different ways. We are able to assist you with setting up your company, restructuring your business, establishing trusts and helping with setting up bank accounts in multiple jurisdictions. The professional consultants at Citinavi global have unparalleled experience in these areas and understand all of the important details that are required in order to ensure that your business enterprise will be completely legally compliant in any national or international jurisdiction that fits your particular needs the best.

When we work with you on your business startup or restructuring strategy, we will begin by listening to your objectives, goals and your general circumstances. We will then work to develop a comprehensive, tailored plan that will be designed according to your needs. At all times, we maintain the highest privacy and security standards regarding your financial and business affairs.


Our extensive network of international professional services partners

spans multiple tax efficient jurisdictions and provides our clients

with direct access to the most highly experience and knowledgeable practitioners

in their prospective field. Combining our resources ensures that we provide

each client with bespoke, cost effective and tax efficient global residency,

citizenship and international wealth management solutions

that meet their personal objectives.

The following private client services are compatible

with our global residency and citizenship by investment programmes and

when applied in a compliant manner,

will cumulate to provide the highest level of tax efficiency available:

Wealth Management

Wealth Management Services for Individuals and Families

  • Residency and Citizenship by Investment

  • International Tax planning

  • International Banking

  • International Pensions & Retirement Planning

  • Education Fee Planning

  • Estate/Succession Planning

  • International Life & Medical Insurances

  • Trusts and Foundations

SKYDOG to Global Mobility ! 

Combining The Highest Global Standards

With Local Expertise... 

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/ Vietnam desk : +84 121 4335357 / India : +91 93223 99000 

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Dmitry Zapol

Tax advisory

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Eric Major


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Chris Ward


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Hakan Cortelek



Sanjay Kalra

New Delhi

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Roderick Cutajar


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Rahul Batra

Hudson & McKenzie


Md Badsha Fahad 


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Kumar C.

Mumbai - Dubai


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Hyong-jin KWON.

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