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Crans Montana Forum, ''the world at a time of African economic sovereignty'' in Brussels

By Hyong-jin KWON

I am attracted by the Crans Montana Forum invited by Mr. Jean Paul Carteron "What binds us the great African continent" because it greatly values ​​the African community and the power of human relations. Platform for dialogue between African and European countries, Heads of State and many African ministers took part in this event to meet ''high representatives of European institutions, major international organizations, but also official authorities and business circles of rest of the world''. I am very grateful for the meetings and diplomatic cooperation and the valuable work that everyone is doing!

IUHEI Jean-Paul Carteron and BAN Ki-moon in 2015

The continued and most valuable support of the United Nations and of Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General, to the Crans Montana Forum and its activities!

The Crans Montana Forum - Africa is held in Brussels,

This World Forum, in the presence of more than 300 people, is indeed devoted to the crises of the African continent and its place in international, political and business life. The Continental Free Trade Area will bring together all African countries with a combined GDP of more than 3,000 billion dollars, and will be a real springboard allowing, beyond development, to access economic sovereignty. Today Africa has considerable assets to bounce back and continue its race towards global integration: an impressive growth rate, a youth turned towards innovation and entrepreneurship, and considerable and very undervalued natural resources.

The inaugural session of this forum was marked by Jean-Paul Carteron, president and founder of the Crans Montana Forum and of the WDA-World Diplomatic Academy ''the crisis which has affected Africa as a whole has generated a situation which represents a exceptional opportunity for consolidation, development and global integration'' during the official opening session 'Drawing up the state of a world in danger. Meeting the most pressing challenges'.

In the theater room of the hotel Le Plaza on the first day, the debates are moderated by Stefano Manservisi (European Commission) in the presence of Ryad Mezzour (Minister of Industry and Trade of Morocco) and 6 leaders from the continent. Various topics, 'The challenges of security in the Sahel' by General Frederic Beth, 'The real current concern: strengthening or reinventing multilateralism & global governance?' by Rabih El-Haddad (UNITAR), the strengthening of public health systems, the financing of public investment...

Created in 1986, the Crans Montana Forum is an international Swiss non-governmental organization with a global vocation. The objective of this Forum is to create an international network to support the efforts of these African countries, human development and innovation, and the quest for economic sovereignty by bringing together leaders from the political and economic worlds each time.

Class of 2022 of New Leaders for Tomorrow

Call for applications "young leaders of tomorrow" The post-Covid stage represents an exceptional opportunity for the development, growth and integration of the African continent. African youth are looking for concrete prospects and a call for applications to promote the young leaders of tomorrow is planned. Jean-Paul Carteron emphasizes

“For 35 years, the Crans Montana Forum has accompanied many young leaders and future leaders of the world. Those thanks to whom we can believe in a better future, a better world. It is with pride that over the years, I have seen them rise to the highest responsibilities of their country. The Crans Montana Forum continues with determination on this path. »

From the new nomination 'Africa which will allow us to distinguish and promote the future great actors and great actresses of the continent' the new Leaders for Tomorrow are adopted by the Crans Montana Forum – and this time by Crans Montana Forum Africa in Brussels. The nominees are people under the age of 42 with proof of professional success, leadership experience, in particular with a proven reputation within their community and they benefit from rubbing shoulders with the leaders of the continent and the networks. .

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